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Concept Modeller

The Concept Modeller is a tool for additional analytics in Gavagai Explorer. You can define different concepts in Explorer and then analyze your data with respect to them. Same as models, concepts are independent of projects and one concept can be used in different projects. A concept is defined by its including terms. In contrast with topics, the including terms in a concept do not need to be synonyms or semantically similar terms, but they are elements that jointly define that concept. Let’s give an example.

In Hotel Reviews you might define a topic called breakfast, including the terms “breakfast” and “the breakfast”. Each of these terms that appear in a text we will know that the topic breakfast is included in the text. Now consider the two following sentences retrieving from texts:

  • They had excellent organic coffee available in the lobby.

  • I enjoyed starting the mornings with cinnamon latte and croissant.

None of the words “coffee”, “latte”, “croissant” or “mornings” can define the topic breakfast independently; as the case in the first sentence, but a combination of these words can tell us that the text might be related to the concept breakfast; as the second sentence.

Therefore, the concept breakfast can be defined by set of words like {tea, coffee, latte, bread, cheese, jam, morning,...}. You can start defining the concept by a few most necessary words. Then Explorer will show you more suggestions to be added to your concept.

How to Create and Edit Concepts

To start creating a new concept or editing the old ones, you can click on "Concepts" in Explorer navigation bar to be redirected to concepts page. In this page you can see the list of all of your concepts that you have previously created. To create a new concept, click on Create concept button. You will be then redirected to your new concept’s page. Give a name to your concept by writing it in the “Concept name” text field and select the language of your concept. Add terms to your concept by writing them in “Keywords” text field and add pressing ENTER. When you are done with adding the most necessary terms for your concept, press the Create Concept button to save your concept and get new suggestions.

Different Types of Concepts in Explorer

Conceptually, you can define two different type of concepts in Explorer and choose between them for different usage. We refer to these concepts as Topical and Sentiment-Based Concepts. Topical Concepts are those Concepts that define a specific topic or subject while sentiment-based concepts are those concepts that define specific feelings or opinions towards topics. For example, the concept Breakfast that we defined above can be considered as a topical concept. Then you can define a sentiment-based concept like "positivity" and put terms like nice, delicious, tasty, etc. in it. In next section we show how you can measure a sentiment-based concept like "positivity" for a topical concept like Breakfast.

How to Use Topical and Sentiment-based Concepts in Explorer

When you want to export your project to Excel or CSV, in the report configuration box, you can tell Explorer to analyze your data for the concepts you have already created (for exports see “Export as” Button and Exporting the Result of your Analysis). Here in the configuration box, you have two options for analyzing concepts; target concept and concepts to analyze:

  • Target concept has been basically designed for your topical concepts. If you select a target concept for your project, you will get an extra column called mentions in the Excel file. It will contain the number of times any of your concept terms appear in each text. There will also be a column containing the sentence(s) with the concept terms. In addition, the sentiments and the concepts that you choose as "concepts to analyze" are filtered for your target concept so that only sentences from the column above are taken into account.

  • You can select your sentiment-based concepts under "Concepts to Analyze". In this case, Explorer computes the strength of each concept for each text and shows them to you in new columns, one for each concept. Here the computation is performed in the same way as for Explorer built-in sentiments (see The Sentiment Scoring System).

Creating Concepts from Topics

Explorer allows for the creation of a concept from a topic. To create a concept, select the desired topic from the left panel and open it. Then, click on the "Create Concept" link located at the top of the Terms section. A confirmation popup will appear, asking you to confirm the creation of the concept in question.

The newly created concept will share the same name as the topic and the language of the project. It will also include the terms associated with the topic at the time of creation.

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